Poll on post 228 PLEASE VOTE

Im online now, also @SnoopyOTG are you making a thumbnail

oh my bad i forgot about this one but i will do it

I am excited to see it

Cool! Flying boat! And the colors aren’t too saturated!

me if I saw that IRL:
download (1)

@Cats123 it looking great and take your time you have til Saturday

I have made one im just waiting if you are making a poll.

The pole is saturday

Also i edit it

with the deadline, ok

Love the thumbnail, sorry if this is picky but could you get rid of the pink and blue gim and then move the climber guy down

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Also it would be great if you could move the coco gim down because its blocking part of the Q

Im finally done took me about 2 hours

Let me know your opinion

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Yoooooooooooooo that looks great 11/10

But you could change the font of the text

Do you know a website i could use for text so i can fix it?

how did you add in the text

What do you mean? I made the text in google slides because thats the only thing i can think of

ooh so you put the drawing in google slides and put the text over it

So can’t you change the font

I personally think that handrawing titles is mucho better

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