Poll on post 228 PLEASE VOTE

yeah this is why I don’t do thumbnails much…I always spend soo much time on myn and get crushed …

nvm twice I had to do a double check because I thought it was made in Aug 2023.

hey sorry to ruin the moment. even tho I don’t make thumbnails no more but uh 2 question 1 how does this have 182 comment? and @Quirky have you gotten your thumbnail yet? because this topic not to be rude has a lot of replies then it needed

I see 11 or 12 thumbnails was given.

I not trnna enforce something or start something I just find a art topic has 182 replies is a bit too much.

@Quirky you got your thumbnail yet or are you still waiting?

@Char are you making a thumbnail

@margimkitcreator I still need to have a poll on the thumbnails and people are still working on there thumbnails

go check out the other Art topics, half of them have over 300 posts

I already did that.

I surprised too.

I won’t ask how.

because reading 300 posts is too much for me


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mine will be finished tomorrow


A few tips:
-Try using different brushes to make the clouds look more ethereal and soft
-Add some details to the hills and sky, it’ll lift the whole thing up

-I love your Gim positions though! Only one that needs some refinement is the banana one, legs look slightly broken lmao


Looks great! The only suggestion I have is to have the words stand out more. They are hard to read sometimes.


I figured it would seem that way, thanks for the advice!


I like it how it is @Slim

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when is the poll :question::question::question:

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I think after I finish or after whoever is still working finishes

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The poll is when ever everybody is done with there thumbnail or Saturday whatever comes first

Also are you making a thumbnail

I’ll make one, I’ll be done by the end of Friday.

Ok that sounds great

Anybody besides @Char or @VoidFluffy still working on there thumbnail

I’m still working on it

Ok are you going to be done by friday