Poll on post 228 PLEASE VOTE

oh I meant the clouds lololol
my brain was tweaking

Hey people, I’m back!!! (My will to live continues!!! :smile:)

Lemme just do a few touch-ups and i’ll be finished today :+1:

btw umm. . . is a hand-drawn paper thumbnail ok?

Yeah hand drawn is fine

@Char not trying to rush you but are you done yet

Gimme a few minutes rn and I’ll post the thumbnail cus I’m just adding a few tiny touch-ups :smile:

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I think I did much worse than I normally do. . .

The Thumbnail


I could show some other thumbnails that i’ve done if y’all want me to

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So I picked my two favorite thumbnails and you guys are voting which is better and the one I will use

  • VoidFluffy
  • Sonar-Sam
0 voters

@VoidFluffy’s Thumbnail

@Sonar-Sam’s Thumbnail
Vote Above


People Vote Please Please Please

The Poll will close at 4

I can’t have a tie more people vote

Please be patient, you made the poll 3 minutes ago, there will be more voters soon.
also, I recommend you remove the padIet link from your bio, it is now prohibited.

even the word “PadIet” is banned


Sorry Im bad at patients

Ok I am ending the poll @Blackhole927 if you could close this that would be great

why would you ping Blackhole to close it the topic?

Some people do that, I’m not sure why.
@Quirky I can move this to Help so you can mark a solution.

Blackhole has said in many topics to ping him instead of mod messaging because he gets to it faster.

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I used to do it if there were no regulars in the topic (so really the only way to close it was to ping him). Also, Slim is right

I still do think that users do it too much. They do it when it’s unnecessary, when the topic can close on its own, overnight. The importance of marking a solution. Why we, as a community, take that community rule of marking a solution so strictly sometimes. Now, bh probably doesn’t care, as long as the topic is closed. In my opinion, it shouldn’t be used unless necessary. For example, off-topic, users can’t stop posting, etc.

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No, it’s just that I’m not against it. Mod messaging/flagging by sending a message is easier but I don’t mind either.