Poll ended, thanks everyone!

2 more people to go! Let’s try to reply as little as possible.

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oh. forgor
sans are you still making a thumbnail?

@Y0ur_L0cal_Weird0 , sorry if I overwhelmed you. (I just read your bio)

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@Y0ur_L0cal_Weird0 Yeah I didn’t mean to do that either. I just like welcoming new comers because i think we might get along very well! I am very sorry if i pushed past your boundaries/ made you feel uncomfortable…i am a million times sorry!! can you forgive me?

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Yeah me too @Y0ur_L0cal_Weird0. We didn’t mean to overwhelm you. We just thought that would make you feel more welcome.

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:(. (since i ran out of likes again)

The forums community is always reliable. If you need help, ask the community.

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:+1: same.

Its okay…! No need to worry I’ve just never been welcomed that much before aha… :+1:

@Call24whem, you aren’t allowed to give fake likes. BH said so.

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That’s what we are here for!:grin:

(And yay i have been forgiven!)

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how do you come up with these pictures…

Creativity I guess!

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Screenshot 2024-09-09 7.52.05 PM

Are we getting off topic-? I feel like we are getting off topic-

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Yes, he is right, everybody its b.o.t time.

811 replies :skull: yes I believe so-
eh I guess its old though but still lol

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hey, at least its a new record!
(don’t mind my optimism)

One has gotten 1.2k or something… We should really stop.

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New Rule:
Do not post unless its on topic.
Also, please read my description before making a thumbnail.