[Poll Closed] Yup, I don't need a thumbnail too :) The less thumbnails I get, the better!

any edits?


POLL: Which Thumbnail will win?
All participant submissions are hidden in the poll to prevent negative behavior or biased voting. The winning person will be marked as a solution, given credit in the game, and mentioned in the game, and a watermark will be made crediting the artist in the image.
Please donā€™t vote more than once. I know your antics with alt accounts. I own a forum, too.
Any power not stated in this constitution belongs to the people. Loopholes are allowed! Please donā€™t vote based on the quality of the thumbnail. I will fine-tune the winning thumbnail after final exams.

Participant 1


Participant 2


Participant 3


Participant 4


Participant 5


Participant 6


  • Participant 1
  • Participant 2
  • Participant 3
  • Participant 4
  • Participant 5
  • Participant 6
0 voters

Closing in 5 days from post. (Apr. 26)


If you have a new version of your thumbnail, please let me know. Thanks!

One question what participant am i

Aprilā€¦ 31st?
Thatā€™s not a real date, if you didnā€™t know. April is only 30 days.
Do you mean May 1st?

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idk, they made the poll already so it doesnā€™t matter

if you click the dropdown and check the art you can tell which one it yours.

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Nice 9/10 everything looks good. (10/10 would be everything perfect, akak impossible so I gave you a 9)
The way you draw out the map is sick.


aww thank you so much!


particapant 2 (i voted for you)

For @guy_the_person

thanks for doing that :slightly_smiling_face:

@VoidFluffy already one

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Yeah. Sorry about that. Iā€™ll change it to May 1st. Sorry for the late reply, though

Even though that is a nice comment, please consider the bli nd voting system in place. Thanks for being kind, though!

You should make a building called Feel good Inc. 1. You can make it a buff factory. 2. Also bc I like the Gorillaz and more people should know them.

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I have one too!


the poll already startedā€¦

Iā€™ll add you in! Great post, though. Could you deselect the gim in Google Slides, please? Thanks a lot!

donā€™t forget to deselect it!!!

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final day of voting!

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