Pokemon Game mechanics

Hi people.
I’m working on a Pokemon game (great forums around here helpt me). I have made a simple pokemon center, but does anyone have any idea how to create a storage system? My idea is to create a seperate room where you drop them and can come back later, but it seems a bit stale.

You could use properties to see which items a player has in storage.

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Welcome to the forums @higuys!

You could do something where it transmits on a channel of the item to an item granter.

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I will certainly enjoy my stay! @Slim, could you expand on your idea?

So basically in block code, you can transmit on channel. You can transmit on a property, like this.

You can always make a limited (I forget the word for the machine they have) by having a menu with popups. Having a button to select the Pokemon, or go to the next page.

Thanks for the help!

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