I kinda need lore and POIs in my game, any one have any ideas?
what is the game about
What is POI?
Spydecraft answered first.
Point of interest
point of intrest
the game is about the void, which you are trapped in. you find out who sent you here and eliminate him.
a void temple
I already have to POIs, But I need some ideas so I can make more
do you mean two?
yes, sorry about that
its ok, i was just making sure
any one got poi ideas?
Silly Shores
Grueling Groves
Meandering Maze
Lengthy Lanes
Padded Plains
Um… like an area? this isn’t a br
Sorry, you said POI and I assumed it was a battle royale. What is your game?
Edit: I see the message, let me cook
Alright, how about…
The Dark Passageway:
This area is a connector between two other POIs. It’s incredibly dark (crazy, right?), so you’ll be bumping around trying to feel your way through the seemingly endless path.
I don’t think that would work, the background is white
is this a good POI???
awesome. i usually think of the void as dark but uhhh ok.
The Blinding Light:
A temple where you can find useful items
I guess, but I’d have trouble with color differences