Please vote here

Ok, I will make a poll now.

or power of the 76 huh?

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punch 76 and king of 76

im just making ideas like crazy?

I think “The Power of 76”

The Fallout of Gim 76

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Love that one even better!


The breakout of gim 76

The Gim Ninja 76___—

Poll is open now, Make sure to vote!

@Stealthknight where is the poll?

At the top silly :laughing:

OH I saw it now! sorry

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Why is 1-1 someone vote!

Wait, how did someones vote go away!

If it does not go above 10 I will bump the post.

Meaning @Stealthknight?

If 8 more people don’t vote, tomorrow I will make this top of the help by saying “Bump”.

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You might get a few more after lunch. Just a guess.