Please Never Use Repeaters (and a guide on looping)

repeaters are still useless


That’s kinda harsh, they work well for some things (they’re easier for beginners).

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Actually it has 400!

well, that is true, at least

No repeaters are useless

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Reasons that Repeaters are useless stated by Shdwy (Summing up stuff)
Triggers and wire repeaters can repeat (BOOM)
Periods of time, number of reps, and receiving on channel, also replicated by those devices (BOOM)
Max tasks are already done by triggers and trigger recursion (recursion from other ppl, BOOM)
Caveman language: Repeater badddd. Much memory. Trigger same, moorrree. Trigger start X, trigger to X. Trigger gooooddd. Counter tracks. (BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM)


… no they aren’t, they can be used to check if the host IN SPECIFIC is KO’d, as once the host gets knocked out the repeaters just stop! so they aren’t completely useless


Umm, you can do that with triggers and knockout managers.

If you have a trigger that is deactivated on game start on default and player scoped, then have a lifecycle (Game Start) activate it again, then wire the KO to the trigger (Knockout → Trigger) then you get a detection system for when the host is KO’d!


life cycle

wire repeater

knockout manager, easiest one

life cycle is host scoped, so it’s host only

but I think there’s an easier way let me think


the host, in specific. ONLY THE HOST, the KO manager checks ALL players, and triggers can be activated by other players too, and if the host and a normal player have the same name? well the trigger cant tell the difference
edit: sorry if I sounded rude.

life cycle I believe is host only for game start, everything else is global

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That’s why you change the trigger scope to player.

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I was talking about lifecycles here

life cycle, property, wire repeaters, counter.

Life recycle, host scoped. Then it goes to a counter with a property that’s global for everyone. If the host is knocked, then the counter will go up. But the life cycle paired with the wire repeater constantly check with the y’know counter but my brain is getting stuff mixed up but smth like that

in conclusion

repeaters are absolutely useless, the only thing they are good for is to save a couple of seconds and are easier to use, but trigger repeaters are slightly more easier, so no point.

The lifecycle only applies for the game host.

on game start, everything else is a global scope

not if you change the scope?

maybe you mean like some things are global but there are ways to counter this

oh yeah. I remember now.

Life cycle for host scoped, then you go to a counter with a property that goes up when a player gets oofed. Since the life cycle is host scoped it goes to wire repeaters that constantly check what the host’s property is and if it goes up, only they host will get something in return as it’s scoped for him

btw it’s not even a flame war, it’s just a civil debate on why repeaters are just better and he is trying to make a way to counter this, but we are just trying to show him that’s not true


Use a lifecycle and triggers instead.


I said that to him, but he keeps telling us that the scope is global fsr

even though there’s something called changing the scope from player to team to global

(not trying to sound rude btw, I think i’m just trying to give constructive criticism, but maybe i’m not getting the point he is trying to give out)

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