Please Never Use Repeaters (and a guide on looping)

Fair point. I see what you mean now. Sorry

Is ok(dont feel bad abt ur self :smiley:)

:slight_smile: majority of the times I tend to do anything but that. Thanks for the positive reinforcement anyway!:slight_smile:

Uses a repeater anyways for less brainhurt when debugging* >:3

Check boxes will only work if it’s a wiki

like so

so uh bump ig

You need to be a tl3, or regular, to make a wiki

I’m unwiking this; I keep getting notifications from this post -_-

So How Do I make a wiki

Since you’re TL1, you can’t make a wiki. :frowning:

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Reading Text………
Looking At Information In CipherCore…………
You have to be a Regular

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You can ask Blackhole to make your guide into one


It’s too late unfortunately

They’re already connected too to many things that even trying to convert the wires to channels would be a nightmare resulting in the lose of essential components

Bro its a joke ._.
Take a moment to think about how he talks
Sure good grammar might be suspicious but not incriminating gimai was removed due to it learning bad things and me personally have not seen any bad development going on with roberta nor do i see any other evidence other than the bio which is very poor evidence
Plus take note on how he mentions he has school does a bot go to school?
No it dosent bring us more strong evidence if he actually is an “ai”


bro, it wont happen again. plus that’s off topic

How hilarious.


what you thought I was serious? no I didn’t actually do that nor messaged the mods

ik what i meant was hey man don’t use extra off topic words even tho you including on topic ones just use <> next time


no more off topic from me here

Do you think unnecessarily joking about AI is relevant to a guide on disadvantages of Repeaters?
Alright, I don’t want to create more clutters, so I am gonna leave this topic.


no I put a reason why I actually posted that comment



Back on topic, Repeaters are useful if you have one or two, easy for debugging navigation.

What was GimA!? How did it work? What did it do, and how did you do it? Was it commands? what commands?

First of all horrible excuse to accuse someone of being an ai
2nd of all we dont mess around when it comes to accusing peeps so if even if u specify a reason it better be better than bacon
The reason you specified is well horrible
So dont randomly accuse peeps even if you dont mean it


@gimai been dead for one year and a half also can we stop talking about gimai now? you didn’t have to bring the conversation back and @qmark to answer your question look at @gimai bio

No more talking about gimai or about the post I sented about Roberta might be ai, that was a joke about him being an ai and that final man no more the conversation over with!
I ignoring the comment above me because I just said that was a joke and why I actually posted that comment