Please Never Use Repeaters (and a guide on looping)

BUMP I love this guide

Hey, the thing is, once someone replies after a reusable BUMP, it doesn’t work anymore.

but it says reusable?

… Just stop chatting. Basically, the moral is don’t use reusable bumps. They’re useless. Just do a regular out bump


it’s been a long time since i’ve used creative, what’s repeaters again?

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Blackhole recently made a post saying not to use reusable bumps.

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I said not to use bubble wrap. Infinite bumps are fine.


This is a cool psa

I’m totally not gonna use repeaters

I kinda just went crazy on the summerys, you can close this


LETS GOOO welcome back lxmas!


hi (complete sentence)


@LxmasHasCandy to break the letter limit type <> and any letters in between

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Another way to get a LARGER portion of area, considering the trigger is so small, you could use a laser, without dmg, to have a longe range, but less memory than the zone.
iirc, the laser is 70 memory, which is more than the trigger, but less than the zone. you can use “when people gets hit” wire


I talked to bh about, he said it was fine for now (I don’t get the point tho, just give regulars the power to bump whenever or just remove them altogether).

dude stop focusing on the off-topic part of this.
a NEW USER just made an on-topic post, which is more than you’ve done!
stop going off-topic for no reason!
Welcome @JesterNRG! I agree with that, lasers can be used to detect when a player steps over it, it has long range and it can be completely invisible.

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Welcome to the forum, @JesterNRG! Glad to see you here!

@dynachamp, well, you’ve been rude quite a few times, and that’s more than @Moyai has been! Stop insulting people and keep yourself on topic! It’s not your business!

P.S. Sorry If I just made a flaggable post… I’m not trying to be rude. It’s just facts. Please don’t flag.


I agree, but the triggers in this guide[1] aren’t meant to be stepped on.

Welcome to the community! Don’t forget to read the TOS and something else I forgot about (the FAQ?).

  1. or whatever it’s called ↩︎

yea you can trigger a trigger without triggering it by stepping on the trigger

my goodness thats a mouthful

I know, it’s just not the intended use of the trigger here. The trigger is meant to trigger to trigger the other trigger which will trigger that trigger and they will trigger each other forever (or until when they’re supposed to stop).

yea ik I basically said you dont have to activate a trigger by stepping on it XD

Oh. I think you may have mistyped.