Please Help! I need thumbnail by tomorrow (9/25)

Sometimes it can take weeks but it really pays off to wait.

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Maybe move the credits to the center top or bottom so your thumbnail (if chosen, rooting for you!) cant be stolen

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Ya mine’s ain’t the best.=(

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No, yours is a lot better than the one I made for myself.

That’s gonna be hard. cause i use kleki

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Thank you @XxGuyt6517xX . =D


I would help but its too late (since its 9/25)

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I used Canva and added simple stuff. it was just a gim on a rock lol, I know your gonna be a great artist here on the forums!

Ya i finished the same 2 hours. =) I’m more of a quicker artist

Thank you again @XxGuyt6517xX

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Well maybe next time you could try in a short time. =>

Ok, I’ll try to make one (My first time)

Oh I’d like to see it. =)

Wow Really good thumbnail @G-Code549 !

Thank you @kirbyking. (wow this is probably my best thumbnail =)

Oh and do you want anything else @Neon11 ?

sorry I cant do this I am terrible with digital drawing :frowning:

it’s okay @Gamer795_PG not everyone is an artist. ;D

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I completely agree! I’m a bad artist

No problem!