So for a little side project I’m making, I need the player cords to be at (0,0) on game start, but when I try it out its says (320,320). Does anyone know how to fix this?
(0, 0) coords are the bottom left of the map. You can display (0, 0) by subtracting your current coordinates by 320.
Place the game start at cords (0,0)?
I need the actual cords to be (0,0) not just what the overlay says
The only way to do that is to place down your spawn pad at the bottom left of the map.
I would do that, but I would need to find where the cords (0,0) are at on the map
I can try and find it but it might be where Fulcrum-19 said…
ok I will start my long journey to the (0,0)
You can do this by using what’s called a translation. It’s a fancy math term that means you move a certain shape across a graph and change each point’s coordinates by using a fixed + or - for x and y.
If the spawn pad says (320, 320), then translate it across <-320, -320>
Here are screenshots of a document I found online to help you.
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