Player Clones.. Possible?

Is it possible to create an exact duplication of the player, that mirrors the players movements.(and possibly actions) In a singleplayer map?

The way this could help in map-making is that you could make interesting games that allow the player and the clone to work together to win.

I think I made something like this once
but it was kinda buggy and memory inefficient


oh. I searched it up and found nothing.
What was it called?

Edit: So it was just a draft?

I never published or posted anything about it, and I think the map is deleted now
but I do know it used a lot of triggers and sentries

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Maybe characters would be better, then again, its hard to move them memory efficiently.

Let me test a few things and I’ll report back to you grit.


they are less memory by 800, but are locked behind a paywall

Yes, unless you have the season ticket, it’s useless.
And I think that sentries would be more realistic, as they have the ability to hold gadgets, similar to the player.

Probably not

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The sentry has no block code or properties. Thus, you would have to make triggers all over the map and have a sentry that activates corresponding to that, while deactivating the other one. Of course there might be a method out there. However, it would be way to memory consuming to create a system like this, I tested the characters and they follow the same rule as the sentry and you’d have to spam them with triggers around the map. Until Gimkit releases a mirror device that makes objects and sentries follow what the player is doing, this wouldn’t work.

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right. What about barriers? like, barrier art? you can disappear and reappear them, making it move better.

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Do you know how to change a barrier into a code barrier? I kind of forgot…
Nevermind it was just a rename.

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Barriers are definitely way more memory saving, but it would still require a lot of spamming.

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So, theoretically, it could potentially work?

But it would be very memory consuming, I assume.
(hey, that rhymes!)

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What does the link have to do with any of this?


It could possibly work, however time consuming and memory consuming. It would be pretty buggy as well having lots of triggers. I just noticed the link. :open_mouth:

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It’s just there! ;-D

edit: @WSG I think the hardest part would be for the clone to interact with the map.

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You would just put triggers that do this:
trigger–>triggered—> transmit a channel to the sentry.
Have the sentry off on game start. Also, when a different trigger is activated have it deactivate that sentry.

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You could maybe use it’s gadget to break blocks, but that’s almost about it.

For Grit

a(squared)+b(squared)=c(squared) Definitely the formula for sentries.

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