Platformer Stuff Help

So I am making a platformer map, and I just made a level with a On/Off Button. I am creating the next level,l and I need another cool thing to add like that.

Do you have any ideas and how to do that?

(post sent into the abyss by a penguin again)

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That’s what I just did

I thought you meant showing/hiding the whole thing. Sorry.
Then how about an elevator or grappling hook mechanic?

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I tried a grappling hok but I’d didn’t work. The thing you Sh00t wouldn’t respawn so now I need another idea

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On the grappling h00k note, I have an idea…
(Featuring a lifecycle, props, and a few other things)

Here’s what I’ve got (pretty simple):

How it works:
Tell me if you like it so I can tell you how to make it when I get home, @Neon11!

That does work, but if fall right after and respawn before it, the prop doesn’t respawn and you would be stuck

Just thinking that, but since the whole thing operates on one channel, you could just make a barrier activate behind them to where they can go forwards but not backwards…

I guess. I already tried that and I don’t really want it do a grappling hok.

Any other ideas for something for my next level?

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Yes, but gimme a few minutes.

  1. Bus ride home… ↩︎

Here are some ideas:
Falling tiles
Break a prop that spawns the next platform

You could make an overlay that when you click the overlay button one set appear on platforms on and one set of platforms turn off/disappear… And if you click it again then Vis versa

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Would that be too similar to a flipswap factory? However, the idea is good!


More ideas!
-Certain places you can fall to continue
-Timed jumps that require a vending machine to be purchased for the next timed jump to appear

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I also made a guide on some unique obstacles for Platformer
Here’s the guide if you’re interested. It might help you make some obstacles.

What is flip swap factory is it a gimkit game ?

I’m still getting to know things..

Not to get off topic, but yes it is a gimkit game. It utilizes the system you described.

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Good ideas! Any more?

Add impossible jumps but add invisible barriers in the middle