Platformer limit 630, not 1000

I’ll test this out right now

Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s an EASY way to do it. Even putting a teleporter into the last block just keeps you locked there.

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Dang, gims can survive that high of a fall at 44 mph?! Gims are resilient!

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or second? (just wondering) cause the M is meters.

if the max speed they can gain form 1000 meter fall caps at 44mph then whats there weight, how fast do they accelerate, @Blackhole927 i belive i found you some math problems

I converted m/s to mph. They fall at 19.7 meters per second.


oh its correct, just wanted to know, 44.06764 mph, nice.


They accelerate (to top speed) in less than a second.


what the heck is that terminal velocity… lol

supa speed

so, that means, if that stheir top speed, they’re terminal velocity is 44 mph.

An egg is 75, human 120.

So they fall slower than a egg.:egg:


Terminal velocity scales by weight right? This either means a gim is lighter than an egg, or gravity is different in Gimkit. I mean, the Gims can easily jump 3 meters high without a running start, and they are a meter tall (i think, im checking that right now.)


maybe. Let me find out how, I’ma search up the formula.


V_t=qrtrac{2mg}{ho A C_d}

oh my also you cant see well sorry.


density and surface area. Mass doesn’t affect much it says.

So that means, a egg has more density and surface area.

So a gim is really small then…?

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impossible, gims are a meter, or about 3 feet, tall.

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larger surface area= slower.

oh well I don’t know lol

but who knows? To make a gim fall or to not make a gim fall?

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What if, hear me out, Gimkit has lower gravity?



dramatic music in the background, bum dump dunnnnnn!

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So, this is off-topic. Maybe put this in the Bugs category.

wait platforming is in creative now? i’ve missed SOOO much

Only if you buy the silly season ticket ($5 :exploding_head:)