How could I make an option if you play with teams or not
not sure what you’re talking about.
but maybe you can find the answer in “map setthing”?
So like at the beggining of the game is there a way to make it so you can choose if it is teams or solo
do you mean something like “against all?”
in any case, yes it is possible
here are the settings in Map setthings
Ok and then if I use a relay it can do all players but if it’s random the teams could be uneven so I need a way to make it keep switching where a signal is going
I think she means switching whether it’s teams or a free for all mid game
I figured it out I’m gonna make a guide because I feel it is useful and then I’ll mark solution to whoever links it so the solution is the solution but I’m not marking myself
Don’t you already have a topic similar to this open?
Or, you could have the team set to a random team.