Only Up for GimKit Creative

Hello fellow people of Gimkit Creative,
I have come to ask if it is possible to make an only up style game in Gimkit creative, I would love to do that and play that with my friends.
P.S. If it isn’t possible, I think it would be cool :slight_smile:

There have already been tons of questions about this topic. No, it is not available right now. The mods are working on it, though. Please search up your questions to see if there is something like this before you post.


Josh (a gimkit dev) said that platformer mode will be added soon to creative so stay on the lookout for that :slight_smile:
Welcome to the forums! @SupercoolJP!

Don’t forget to check out the new-user-must-read and forum-tips tag.

The Community Made Guides category is also very useful, posts there give you a gist of the rules and mechanics in Gimkit Creative.

While you’re at it, I suggest also reading the

TOS and FAQ.

If you need help with anything, just ask!

After all, this is a Community Forum :robot: !


Yes, welcome to the forums, @SupercoolJP!

Welcome to the forums, @SupercoolJP !

WHY. Every. Single. Time.
I never get there first :sob::sob::sob:


Welcome to the forums, @SupercoolJP ! As of now, it is not available.

This question has been asked many times, and next time you don’t know the answer to something, there should be a little search engine in the top right corner of your screen!

Screenshot 2023-11-14 213519

You’ll be able to search for a question you have and see if its already been answered. :smile:


Welcome to the forum!

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@SupercoolJP, if you have your answer, I suggest marking a solution.

Welcome to the forums, @SupercoolJP !

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Welcome to forums @SupercoolJP. As @Blizzy said, you can’t do a don’t look down style map in GKC yet. remember to mark a solution if your question is answered. :white_check_mark:


@2029bensonVin , can you help me with my GimJam map? My forum page is on the help tab.
Its labeled: Can someone give me ideas for this years GimJam?

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Hey, dont promote your topics in other posts, it causes clutter and is considered spam.

Sorry, @The_7th_Dragon . just needed some ideas.

No, just, just no. this isn’t possible…

It is possible, it would just be very VERY tedious.