On the Nature of a Button: A Comprehensive Study on the Button’s Biology and Its Place in the Community

Ok, that’s fine. Good luck. I’ll work on a speed upgrade.

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They did…

Should we remove it?

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I’d have to think about it. It depends on how big this series gets.

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Could I make a guide on a button, too? Like, going in depth of it? I’m asking because there are several others, so is it–OK?

maybe try a different device?

Erm…there are a lot of other devices you could do it on…


Alright. What do you suggest?

Health Granter? Maybe something with a shorter name because you’ll have to write it a thousand times. It’s up to you, which device do you use often.

try something complicated, like [looks at devices list] popups.

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I sorta did that. I did it’s cousin.

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Health Granter literally only has 2 settings. Way too easy.


I’ll do that. Thanks! Maybe Health Granter, too.

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Vending Machine. I little long tho.

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There’s already a guide on the vending machine, just not in this style.


Oh, wait–just one problem—what would I name the guide?

Same thing as this one, just instead of a Button, a popup (or whatever you’re doing).

Imagine doing Camera View! :rofl: