Off-Topic // Probably a PM attempt // Don't Reply (Topic ID 84123)

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you should delete this, you can’t do that here, use Wix or Discord to find a partner
mark as solved

Guys this was probably just a PM attempt.

PM’s are turned off.

But I asked him if he could help me yesterday and he said he was busy so I put that so then he knew to go to my bio to talk.

Who are you even talking about? You can’t make threads like that, sorry, you need to contact him in another way, mark @slim’s messages as solutions, try going to the thread you were talking in and ask him there.

@Txme_Lxss him?

Please make this the last reply!

No More Replies!

(That means you, @D3R4NG3D2009, and you too @Monoreuk)

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yeah that’s him, 20 character limit