-Credits to @Blackhole927
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Off topic… if you want to make a guide about the forums it has to be approved by Jeff or Josh and there’s too much guides on these…
Yes, it’s a little off topic, but they may not know that this can’t be done either.
@THEHACKER120 i know your knew to being a regular, but on post like these, just change the title to “Off-Topic[Do Not Reply Topic ID–”
Sorry just wanted to help sorry for interuption.
next time just change the title
if there are no replies the guide can be deleted
No more replys off topic.
also i think you meant “i know you are new to being a regular”?
Got it I’ll remember next time sry if I created cluster
grammar, is not a strong suit.
Your fine, i was just letting you know for the future.
hey it’s fine just try to avoid commenting on off-topic posts
next time change the title and maybe flag if its inappropriate
Stop replying please I don’t want to be ban so just stop.
I don’t see the harm in one post. That way they can mark a solution and understand the issue.
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