Make a tower you can climb out of blocks or props.
Add a prop of your choice about 8 blocks away from the tower. Lets call this prop
Prop 1. away from this prop add another prop that is about 7 blocks away from prop 1.
Lets call this new prop prop 2.
Now go to prop one’s settings and set prop 1 to not visible during the beginning of the game. Now add a trigger lets name this trigger , trigger 1 go into trigger 1 settings and make it that , their is a trigger delay of 4 seconds. Now wire prop 1 to trigger 1.
(Triggered-hide prop) After that wire prop 2 to trigger 1.(Trigger - show prop) Now add a life cycle. Set the life cycle to game starts. Now wire trigger 1 to the life cycle. (Event occurs - trigger). Now add another trigger this trigger will be called trigger 2. Now wire trigger 2 to trigger 1.(trigger - trigger)
Now go to trigger 2 settings at set it to have a delay of 4 seconds.
Wire prop 1 to trigger 2.(Trigger - show prop)
Wire prop 2 to the trigger 2.(Trigger - hide prop)
Wire trigger 1 to trigger 2.(trigger - trigger)
And you’re done oh never mind don’t forget to make sure you triggers are hidden.
Your wire monstrosity should look like this.
The gameplay is something like this.
Pls tell me if the guide has any issues.
If you have any problems please tell me I will help you to the best of my ability.
( Am I breaking one forum rules by making parts , like part 2 , part 3 , if so pls tell me I will merge them all into one guide)