This obstacle is an obstacle that makes the player jump one block farther then they can jump at max jump distance. Though this jump is impossible if we were to give the player a dynamic block that they can place right at the end of the jump this jump becomes tricky but possible.
To do this first make two pillars that are 13 blocks away from each other. (Don’t make on pillars taller than the other) On top of the first pillar put a zone that is wired to a item granter. The wire should be (Player enters zone - Grant item) Make the item granter grant negative 1 dynamic dirt Also if you want add a spawn pad on the first pillar you can.
Now add a zone touching the ground between the two pillars make sure you extend the zone until it touches both pillars. Now place a respawn. Wire the respawn to the zone. (Player enters zone - Respawn player).
This result should look something like this.
Finally in the middle of the two pillars at the max height of the pillars add a zone.
Place a item granter. Wire the item granter to the zone.
(Player enters zone - grant item)
Now make the item granter grant one dynamic block.
It looks like this.
The game play looks like this.
The second obstacle
The snowball launch jump.
Secondly continuing the hard jumps series we have the snowball jump it is a bit easier then the jump before but it is still hard.
What is the snowball launch jump.
It is basically a jump where you have to throw a snowball midair to defeat a sentry. Once the sentry is defeated you can safely land on a platform.
So lets get started first make a pillar as tall as you want just make sure the pillars isn’t too short. now make a prop that is at least 7 blocks away from the platform.(Don’t make it above 13 blocks or the jump is impossible) Set the prop to not visible in beginning of the game.
The product so far looks like this.
Now on the beginning put a item spawner that spawns a snowball launcher (any rarity).
Now in the middle of the prop and platforms add a sentry which has 1 hp and make the scale 2x. Now on the beginning of the platform add a zone. Wire the sentry to the zone. ( Player enters zone - deactivate sentry) Make sure to make the zone extra tall.
So far your product should look like this.
Now wire the sentry to the prop (sentry knocked out show prop).
And then add a zone above the sentry and wire the sentry to the zone. ( Player enters zone activate sentry)
The game play is like this.
I will be adding more obstacles soon.
If anything is confusing please tell me I will try to make it less confusing.
If I made any error also tell me and thank you for reading !