Obstacles to make in Gimkit platformer.(EASY)

In this guide I will being showing 3 jumps that are not too hard but aren’t to easy.

1: the first one you put the player is small gap.
In walls of gap leave a one block open. The player will have to jump in the small gap then jump out.

The second is to make the player have to jump their farthest distance and then land inside a small gap in a giant pillar. You can add a laser to make sure the player jumps high enough.

For this you have to put the player in a tight gap again.
You have to give them a pickaxe and a dynamic sand block.(Any dynamic block works)
The player would have to use the sand block to place ground underneath them.
They have to quickly break the block and jump then place the block down again so they don’t fall.

That’s it thanks for reading!
This my first guide so if their are any suggestions I would be glad to read them.
(How do you add videos to the guide because when I try to add them it says video not supported.)Is the guide confusing if it is I would happily help to fix that.


you can’t add videos on forum posts, but you can convert the video to a gif (google video to gif converter) and compress it to be under 2 MB.
Also, welcome to the forums @demo! :grin:


Oh okay thank you. That explains why i couldn’t upload the video

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  1. welcome to the forms
  2. great first guide I can see how this can be helpful to some people
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Welcome to the forums! And congratulations on having your first post being a guide. Great that your first post is to help.


Thank you for all the positive feedback.

Welcome to the forums Demo! Nice guide by the way!

Thank you The_Great_Sushi .

This guide was pretty good! Welcome to the forums!