NPC Interactions Ideas for a cowboy styled game

Me and @Gimbuilder are making a cowboy styled game called “Cowboy Clash”, and I am thinking of outlaw interactions. Here’s the kind of interactions:
Imprisoned Outlaw
Sherrif Mo(Pickaxe Seller)
Outlaw Rose(Pickaxe Seller)
Retired Buckaroo, Springland(Gadget Seller)
Retired Buckaroo, Summershoes(Medkit Seller)
Retired Buckaroo, Winterhat(Advanced Gadget Seller)
Retired Buckaroo, Falltree(Medkit and Shield Can Seller)
Wandering Sherrif
Wandering Cowboy
Wandering Outlaw
A Talking Scarecrow???
Note: I need ideas on what the NPC would say
Ex. “Outlaw Red: hi :>”
(You can give NPCs names if you wanna)

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what do you need, ideas?

Maybe a Mayor?
He would run the town.

I forgot to mention that I need ideas(whoops!)

ok then, add a baker
He sells you different food items
Would you like to buy some food?

yes: opens a menu of different foods
no: ok, come back soon!

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u should add a john Wayne reference in it

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I mean like, interactions. I made it for what the NPCs would say in your POV.

Even though I forgot to clarify that too (whoops again!)

Idk I just thought that would match the theme

I’d say he would ask you if you have seen an outlaw somewhere, you only have the option to tell him where he is if you have encountered said outlaw before, if you tell him, he’ll give you some money as thanks and disappear to go after the outlaw.

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It might actually!

For this interaction, he’d tell you that prison here is rough, and advise you to not get imprisoned to.

bump bump again-
i still want a few more ideas

Retired Cowboy: Glint Westmetal
He gives you the key to the mineshaft which I have two ideas for.
Possibility 1) The mineshaft is a quick travel system, and can teleport you to far off places in the map
Possibility 2) The mineshaft is a dungeon crawler with raiders, outlaws, and bandits that you have to defeat while making your way to the end to get a legendary weapon.

wandering outlaw could be named Jason Turner and he gives u a few tasks and eventually betrays u

for the john Wayne thing, if u do it he could be the sheriff mo

I am not trying to be impatient, but I still want some more ideas.

Maybe you can talk to one of the villagers in the town and he could say something like “Are you new to this town?” Dialogue action: I’m just a visitor
“Oh. Well then there’s something you should know. There’s a secret tunnel to the mine. Legend says that the ghost of an imprisoned outlaw lives there.”
Dialogue Actions: Cool Anything else
Cool exits the dialogue
Anything else opens a new dialogue.
"A Wandering Outlaw that had escaped from his prison cell went into the tunnel and never came back. So, be careful!

Some tips that don’t really matter.

Instead of saying you, say ya.

Instead of here, say ‘ere.

Instead of you guys, say y’all.

Instead of saying I’m going to, say I’m fixin to.

That’s as much as I could think of.

Nice! Although I usually use a Cowboy Text Generator to type in some dialogue for most NPCs.