Ninja Dojo Terrain Art Request

So, I need a ninja Dojo, and I am terrible at terrain art

If you think about it, you arn’t good at ANY art

ok, astral, that’s enough.

I need a main ninja area, that connects to a lot of different rooms. Idrc how you lay out the rooms, but I need at least 4 rooms. The more the better.
I need the terrain, but props I can do myself.
Thanks everyone!

Whoever gives the best terrain art, Ill name the ninja dojo after s/he

first art topic!

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I’ll try :slight_smile: is it like traditional style? like traditional Japanese? ALSO what is the main room like is this a dining room or fighting or training? is it a live in?

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What would you like the themes of each room to be?

yeah sure!

(umm, pls don’t get offended, but since this is for young audience, I’m kinda going steroetypical.)

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It doesn’t really matter, but leave them empty if you can. I will add my own touches after this.

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How big do you want your main room to be?

Decently large, like maybe 17x17

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Will try…

[ l o a d i n g _ t e r r a i n _ a r t ]

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Just a question, does this room look ok? I tried making it look multiple terrained and natural.

Why are squiggly lines everywhere?
It looks natural , so good job, but this is ment to be a ninja studio, and a temple, not a maze.

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Got, it, I’ll fix it.

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(Went a little too detailed-)

Screenshot 2024-12-14 10.53.40 PM



anyone else?
