New Update: January 22nd, 2024

Heck Yeah! Minecraft Time!!! Not tryna be off-topic
Perfect Update though

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How is it that when josh makes an update it gets over 100 replies in a day?

for one there are some people get pinged whenever one gets posted and pretty much everyone views something with the update category

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like i just did?

yes because you want to know what is new and so does everyone

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well, technically there can be only 6 questioners.

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Jeeez i didnt know there was new updateā€¦1 da later after updateā€¦329 commentsā€¦

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itā€™s been 4 days


I think they just assumed because of the date on the title of topic.

In the wise words of my geometry teacher, ā€˜Never assume anything.ā€™


In the wise words of @WhereIsMyHat

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In this case, it wasnā€™t critiquing.

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Yeah, but the amount of replies donā€™t really matter.

You quoted a post that says ā€˜Donā€™t critique things that donā€™t really matter.ā€™

Please take that advice.


thank u josh! You are the best!

I miss the good olā€™ days when we had to REALLY WORK to get Minecraft in Gimkiā€¦

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Now all yā€™all have to do is pull up a device, while I still use the handy system I made in my first guide ever.

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LONG TIME NO SEE! You.should, make more guides.

Its crazy with the amount of updates coming out, im happy about it, more to do and more to create!


Yes I agree, the amount is very pleasing.