New Update: February 5th, 2024

Read the text in parenthisis

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But why is it bugged? It’s a really simple mechanic.


My map is complex as heck. There are devices left and right. I have 4 lifecycles, even more relays.

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that’s not that complicated


who is kyro, @CassiusDoomlorde ?

How do u make a normal npc [RESOLVED]


The first person ever on the forums.

OMG, he only joined 1 day before me. That makes me one of the OG OGs!

I have to add that to my About Me page on my new Gimkit blog. It’s impressive.

true ig

but you aren’t as well known as he is or the other people from that time

what is that site how old is it and how many people are there


Yeah, ig I have to build myself a reputation. Maybe I can become famous for my Gimkit blog. I just have to get the word out.

I joined pretty late :sob:

Guys, back on-topic.

My blog is only 5 days old and only 50 people have seen it, so I need to find a way to spread the word, but i can’t get on the wix forum to mention it.

well and you would be banned for advertising


Good point. Oh, ok, @CassiusDoomlorde

there is more. if you want a screenshot Not including the map name you can

How do I post on it?

Isn’t being OG also specified by other things than by being an early joiner? By that definition of OG, I wouldn’t be an OG in the gimkit discord, but I am…

(Also minor detail but the this wasn’t the first gimkit forum, there was one before that, and before that there was a help channel in the discord making kyro not the first joiner…)


it’s not a forum. it’s a blog. I write blog posts and people can ask me GKC ?s in my chat box. there isn’t a forum like the other wix site because i don’t want to be liable

Oh, could you review my game? I’m not sure if this counts as advertising tho…

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Let’s stop being off topic.