New Update: April 24th, 2024

this just begs for a sword, it is also annoying that sentrys don’t have melee options

yep, very annoying, How am i gonna make Gim Drone in the Danger Zone now?

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a throw able object with splash damage aka the frag grenade, would be nice to

How do i incorporate that?
Im gonna move the “Operation” for Gim Drone in the Danger zone stuff into a topic

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you would use a cordnate system with very very very small boxes

Moving the operation now!

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This is the description of the game. Try searching keywords. Does it work? :white_check_mark:

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Found it, just needed to search up the “venture into deep caves” part


You can create an account on this feedback page. It isn’t blocked for me.

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@FAST_Developer is offline at the moment he won’t be online for awhile, that shouldn’t be blocked for him I don’t think

Honestly, this is really, really sad.
I scroll up a little, hoping to see some remarks on the update, but no.
What do I see?
Ah, yes, I see @Gimkit101 chatting about his game here, THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE UPDATE.
Ah yes, I see @Gimkit101, advertising AoMs and showing Discovery pages and stuff.
Again, nothing to do with updates. So stop.


can y’all rate me game, look up lando_1 in discovery and rate it pls

Man, that’s advertising. That will be flagged.

oh, you cant advertise?!

you’re. its you’re. please stop

is this not advertising then?

It is. Don’t you see WhereIsMyCrown’s post talking about that?

So when someone semi-new like Lando_1 advertised, you give them a warning, but when Gimkit101 talks about his game and advertises AoMS, no one cares?

I thought I could advertise cuz gimkit101 did my bad:/

Uh. I’m not trying to be mean to new users, I was just telling them the rules, as they were new. As for Gimkit101, I just ignored it. Didn’t feel like starting an unnecessary argument.
Also, flags exist. If you see something that is against the rules, just flag it. No need to interact with the post and start unnecessary arguments!