New Forums Layout [Whats different & how to use]

As you all know the forums ran out of space because of images, BUT from it, our forums was re-formatted, New buttons, Buttons in different places, lots of blue, ETC. So Lets explore this new layout


We no longer have to go to our preferences or whatever its called for drafts and invites

This helps us Navigate easier and less buttons pressed


As you know you can know do a passkey to get into your account which will help mobile users if I'm correct


in our profile icon we now have these buttons

This is to me the coolest thing ever, we can now make ourselves appear offline or not

I want to tell all you guide creators before the image purge that if you go to the URL in your img and delete a letter then re add that letter it reputs the image

That’s it for Right now til I find more to put on here, I just wrote this because hey why not point out these new features. Tell me anything else that needs to be added


Also the Community Made Guides square color is less saturated now. No? Just me?


Amake this is like the Guide to the GK Wiki, therefore it’s probably not. (like how the gk wiki guide talks about stuff about the gk wiki, this talks about the forums)


I just started using forums not long ago, so this format is the only one I’ve seen. Was the old one better? This format is not bad in my opinion.

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I agree with WSG. Also, could someone explain the pause notification button?

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But the online/offline thing didn’t work, unless it says on my profile seen 6 hours ago

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You won’t get that little blue number every time you get pinged for as long as your notifications are paused.

It’s pretty useful.


So guys what did I miss on it, what should I add specifically

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This is nice, I didn't know that.
It's nice until you realize that you can't edit your old guides... :(



nice guide that’ll help old users coming back know what’s new.


are these even words


Is there a way to switch it back to old? (I don’t know how to use this new formatting)

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the category and tags have dropdowns now. :p
Screenshot 2025-01-24 9.48.25 PM

Idk same for me but I’m on mobile :man_shrugging:

This will be so useful for re-making!

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Was there a specifc reason this was slow moded and turned on for 17 days? As if this is like when the mods post something and its a limited time reply thingy , wow but back on topic when yall wake up what did i miss that i should put on

Yes, this is true.

Yes, thanks Gimkitsuggestor for making this, it’s really helpful.


I put it on because I don’t want this to turn into a chatroom. It’s off-topic anyways, lets not bring it any more.

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