As you all know the forums ran out of space because of images, BUT from it, our forums was re-formatted, New buttons, Buttons in different places, lots of blue, ETC. So Lets explore this new layout
We no longer have to go to our preferences or whatever its called for drafts and invites
This is to me the coolest thing ever, we can now make ourselves appear offline or not
I want to tell all you guide creators before the image purge that if you go to the URL in your img and delete a letter then re add that letter it reputs the image
That’s it for Right now til I find more to put on here, I just wrote this because hey why not point out these new features. Tell me anything else that needs to be added
Amake this is like the Guide to the GK Wiki, therefore it’s probably not. (like how the gk wiki guide talks about stuff about the gk wiki, this talks about the forums)
Was there a specifc reason this was slow moded and turned on for 17 days? As if this is like when the mods post something and its a limited time reply thingy , wow but back on topic when yall wake up what did i miss that i should put on