I’m making a single player puzzle game that takes place in an old abandoned lab overtaken by plants. I need ideas for how the lab got that way, maybe a backstory for the final boss, a journal written by one of the scientists that used to work there, etc.
Alright… maybe the lab was making the cure for c@ncer, but someone from a rival lab (different companies? I don’t know) stole it, breaking the vial in the process. Suddenly, the lab and the city surrounding it started growing plants in stages, and this is the last stage. The only hope to save the lab and the world is to get through the rooms of the lab to find the master control panel, defended by an evil plant. When defeated, you find an antidote (somehow) that destroys the plants and saves the world.
- Ideas? I got some…
A viral infection got through the hazmat suits, and plants broke out of the Gims, eventually turning them plant fully. A little gross, but it works. The plants accelerated the growth and evolution time for plants, making them sentient and able to come together to make more plant Gims, so you won’t know who to cure.
Backstory for the boss: The boss originally was a scientist named Froyo (Def not Yoyo), and accidentally drank a smoothie with the infection in it. It didn’t help that he was in the botany room too. The plants suddenly started grabbing him, wrapping around and increasing his size until he was no longer himself. He is incurable but Froyo breaks through, and will stay that way until he touches plants again.
The journal: "I don’t recognize this place anymore. It’s all green. I HATE THE COLOR GREEN! The information so far:
- Likes to drink smoothies
- Can detect any sound above 20 dB
- Can merge with existing BotaGims (What I named the plant Gims)
- The BotaGims seem to be sad
Goodbye, journal. If anybody reads this, I’m hiding in the food closet.
Maybe One Scientist DIDN’T escape, and starting writing a journal, but… lost it, or… got OOF’D while trying to escape? Idk…
this is a great idea, I’ll use this
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