Need help with the "Add Activity Feed Item for Everyone" block

Hi everyone! I made a post earlier today, and I’ve been working with it. Long story short, I have a trigger set to be triggered when a player steals an apple. I have the trigger set to blocks, and the blocks have as follows:

When triggered

set AppleSteal1 to random integer from 1 to 5

if AppleSteal1 = 5
Broadcast Message on Channel “AppleSteal1”
Add Activity Feed Item For Everyone
create text with
Triggering Player’s Name
“is a thief!”

Turns out, as I’m writing this I’m just realizing that the activity feed is likely the thing in the bottom left corner of your screen, and not a notification. TUrns out I have two questions.

  1. Why does the activity feed only show for me sometimes? When I’m playing, it doesn’t appear all the time, but I always choose to be a player. Does it only appear for players, or the other way around or something?

  2. Is there a way to make a notification with the same message? (The Triggering Player is a thief!) I need it to broadcast to everyone that the player is the thief, but the name doesn’t need to be bolded or nothing, I’m fine with whatever.

Sorry for the rambling, but anyone have any answers?

I think the activity feed only appears in your browser fullscreen


Um, I’ll try that. Thanks!

It didn’t appear. I’m on a Chromebook, in Google Chrome, and I clicked the button in the top right that’s a square. Nothing showed.

If you change it to a notif block, yes.

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notification devices should have the property to make your own text with blocks. Try that.

Just mentioned this lol

That only happens to macs iirc

So I would just put the same code in a notification?

Yes you would put the same code

No, it’s happened before on this very Chromebook. I remember it happening most often when I was playing Don’t Look Down.

Notifications will solve the activity feed. Activity feed usually shows up on the left

For me at least

Yeah, bottom left for me.

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What other info do you need @Veemo?

I’m still testing it, but it worked for the most part! I got it, and I sent the message! TYSM, I’ll let you know if I need more.

Thanks! I’ll try that to.

So, here’s how it works: The activity feed only shows if you have a screen on 900 pixels or greater. You can zoom out to increase this.

Broadcast message on channel: Notification1. And in that notification, when receiving on channel, Notification1, put the same text in the blocks (Triggering player is a thief!).

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it’s probably because your not in full screen mode