Thank you @Kosm0-o @Coffee @Mandalin_Soldier15 @Shade @Fulcrum-19 for taking the time to help

need help making a map that has a few buttons to give extra health and shield also need help making a teleporter to a maze


Don’t post your link in the forums!


Welcome to the forums @darkdeseptor661


Welcome to the forms! Read the FAQ.

You can’t post links to your games. Please remove it, and ask help directly.


ok i had just deleted the link


Welcome to the forums, we hope you enjoy your stay! As for your help topic, you cant post c0des here, but we can help you even without a c0de, you will need a button, and a health granter, set the health granted health then shield, and set the amount to whatever you want, then wire it to the button so that when pressed, it grants the health (if you want extra health on a character, just set the max health to double the base, then set the starting health to %50 of the max, and make sure no shield cans or med-packs are available on the map)


You can use buttons and connect them to health granters, or use vending machines for 1 time use!

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sorry bout the server everytime i switch tabs it resets

still need help with teleporter

try not to mark yourself as solution(especially when the topic isn’t completely solved) (unless you solved it yourself)

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