Need help with a damage area

As the title reads, I need some help

I am trying to make an area where you get damaged constantly if you are inside of the zone.

It’s meant to be chemicals that can harm you the closer you get to it.

(I also want a way to make it with not taking up much memory and the closer you get the more damage you recive)

You could probably use a zone that when you’re in, transmits a signal every few seconds through timers/counters that damage you using a damager device.

Use a trigger loop that goes to a trigger that activates once entered and deactivates once left, that trigger goes to a damaged, you can interval the trigger loop or the zone dependant trigger.
Look, I would want to make an simulation of this but sadly I cant.

This guide also works

You might need several zones for the

Each zone are wired to different damager (with different amount of damage)

And for the trigger loop, perhaps look at this post:

jinx lol

dude i just sent that last part in the post above

trying to edit/delete but i see that last part

No need to be so offended when I posted that simultaneously as you did.

Also, it wasn’t a “Guide”, it’s a post I posted four days ago.


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