Need help making Cuphead in GKCšŸ„¤

I love cuphead so i need help to make it

Would you tell us what mechanics you specifically want? I have no clue what Cuphead isā€¦

cuphead is a show on netflix

itā€™s also a video game known for being absurdly difficult

i know one thing to make a cup head game I had fingers guns

and it got to be hards VERY HARD

Did you want like barrier art/prop art?

You might want to change the title to
ā€œNeed help making Cuphead in GKCā€ or smth


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it got to be in a rubber hose stiyler

i did too :skull:


Does this work even though its trash

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that looks fine Fwa could be worst

I changed the catagory to help, as it seems you want help with mechanics, not art.

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First we need to decide what gadget to use to correspond the whole w3apon thing.
I think blaster would work best as a replacement for peashooter.

First thing first this would need to be platformer for the battles

is there a way to have homing missiles of some sort for that tracking kind of shooter?

We going to have to makeā€¦ Pseudo projectilesā€¦

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WOOOOOO I love pseudo nowadays

what about the ghost system? where if your friend does not grab you, you just fly away as a ghost

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Have them respawn as a different teammate, and when you get tagged, you revive but with one-tappable health, they only have a limited time to tag you before you switch to spectator.

what about you do not switch to spectator and just get sent to another room but there is a camera pointā€¦or was it view that the eliminated player sees when they are dead

(this would solve the annoying having to reload game problem)

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