Need help for my last ability for my void boss

Need help for my last ability for my void boss. give me an idea +( how to make it - if you want)

Sure, I’ll help!
Could you provide more information about the void boss?
What kind of abilities does it already have?

Have a sentry with all the settings set to the max

Perhaps an ability that is able to blind other players temporary?


a Barrier (1.00 alpha, black tinted, NOT activate when game start) that cover up the whole map
a Trigger (delay with a 10 Seconds, transmit on x channel when triggered, and trigger on when receive on x channel)

I don’t know which way do you want to get the trigger triggered, so I will set up an example:

An Event (event happened) → Trigger (trigger)
An Event (event happened) → Barrier (activate barrier)
Trigger (triggered) → Barrier (deactivate barrier)

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Void boss?
How about an attack that shrouds the arena in temporary darkness?
You can just make a giant black barrier cover the map.

Hello! Sorry, I was busy. The Void boss already has two abilities; Void Slash ( slices most of the arena except some safe spots) and Rapid Rift ( teleports you rapidly across the arena multiple times ). I would like something other then a blinding ability because i already have that for another boss.

Awesome, how about…

Dark Pull:
Shrinks the arena by half

Self Sufficiency: Boss becomes a tank (not literally) and gains 35 shields and 50 health.

The boss should have a way to heal.
Instead of all moves being attacks.

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