.Need a thumbnail

cant. my district doesnt allow it. I have it on my home pc tho

Did you go to apps and look up ublock origin?

Lemme go get a image rq

and or when showcasing an image just crop the image so we dont see anything except the main thing you want to show

Cool thumbnail! Welcome to the forums @I-Am-A-Bozo!


wow i think i’m going to do a big update and then swap this one for the one Bozo made for me and you both did a great job wow!

COuld you make me that same thing but instead of ghosts and usi can you make a gimkit style Rush? and with that bloody text make it say Twilight?

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checked alrd. as soon as i got this chromeboo kthat was the first thing i tried lmao.

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i would have to probably recreate it since i flattened the layers for filters, but ill recreate it for u

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And just to make sure you know what rush is?
and possibly make the shadowing slightly just slightly darker?

can i ask what are you doing in visual studio code on your PC?
just curious

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coding. im a fullstack dev so im coding (even at school lmao)


do you make games on platforms like unity? or do you just write codes for apps?I just finished studying to be a Unity developer :wink:

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Off topic yapping abt my coding work lmao

Im not a gam dev, im a fullstack. Mostly what I do is write frontend and backends for apps. I write the frontend in javascript usually using vite, react, and redux if applicable, and use python for apis, general scripting, and other scripts. Game dev is cool, but i never really found myself doing it. I did learn lua easily so i tried roblox dev, but i mostly only made libraries and proof-of-concepts rather than games. this is mostly because i come front fullstack, so ui and writing libraries was a lot more familiar than making games.

Off Topic

I only know C#, and even then it’s 6/10 :sob:
But I will praise myself for my good knowledge of Unity☺

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Also off topic

I did learn C#, since its close to js, but never really worked with it, like using it with maui. Id say I’ve got a 2.6/10 in c#, but then again, id say I’ve got a 8/10 in js

Focus on the thumbnails

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in fact, you can say that the topic can be closed, I got everything I wanted, thanks to @M1dnight and @I-Am-A-Bozo for the wonderful thumbnails


@M1dnight When you have time
I want to make a doors games called Twilight and love the bloody font and the shadow of the ozi in the background but could you add rush but shadowed like ozi? for a thumbnail?

I really want a thumbnail like that I cant stop daydreaming about how great it would look


Thanks, Glad to be here. also, do you know any good this or guides to help me understand the forums a bit more?

make a new topic for it. ill post and update in it. just drop details, and include my thumbnail as the base/inspiration


I’d suggest this: Welcome to the forums

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