Name and thumbnail needed

My game is basically One Way Out but the enemies are sentry robots, and all gadgets are involved

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Could I get a summary or some lore in the game? Also use the thumbnail request format.

  1. Name of game (I know this hasn’t been figured out yet)
  2. Summary of game
  3. Setting
  4. What gims you want used
  5. What the gims are doing/character actions
  6. Author of game
  1. Robot escape
  2. Basically One Way Out but the enemies are sentry robots, and all gadgets are involved
  3. Spaceship
  4. Admiral Pulsar, Sentry Robot, any other
  5. (s)hooting each other
  6. joe

Here’s an idea: Sentry Escape

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How about Sentrified or something along those lines.

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that’s good

but I do need a thumbnail plss anyone??

I can try
What should I use for the title @joe

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name suggestion: One Sentry Out
I can also do the thumbnail



Robot escape

What do you think about this?

@The_Great_Sushi for any modifications! :grin: