ok! i’ll try right now.
it still didn’t work with them on Active on Game Start
And you’re moving around?
(sry i have to write this bcus 20 character min)
And you did the block suggestions I gave you?
If you did this it should be working… there’s nothing blocking it right?
yeah, i did the block suggestions. it’s still not working
Could I see your property devices?
Sorry if I sound pushy, I’m just confused why this isn’t working.
yeah, its okay, ill get pictures now
I’m really not sure why this isn’t working. Could I just see your block code one final time? I just want to make sure you did it right. (You most likely did, but I don’t know why else this isn’t working)
Yeah, everything is right. I don’t know, this seems like a bug to me. Sorry I couldn’t help.
maybe try putting a zone on the telporter and linking the zone to activate the game overlay?
IM kinda stuck right now
I’ll try it out and see how it goes.
I finally got the Overlays to pop up (i forgot to fill in the Overlay Text box lol ) now i have a new problem… The Overlays aren’t changing to the Set Text in blocks, they sre just staying as the original text.
whats the original text…
That problem was causing the first problem. With nothing in there, it still would have shown if it had updated (which is why I asked you if you moved around). So really we still have the same problem
i just put in random characters
Try putting “-” as a channel in the property when property changes.