My overlay is not showing up

I built 2 overlays that are supposed to show your coordinates when you teleport to a specific location. when i started the game to test if it works the overlays wouldn’t appear.


Did you check if the overlays are turned on when the game starts? or have a life cycle?

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Yes I did, neither of them are wired to lifecycles, nor do they have Show On Game Start turned on. they are only connected to the Teleporter like this


They might both be on the same side of the screen. They could both be on the same corner, I think that cancels them out, or it only lets 1 be visible.


Did you link the player coordinates device properly by storing the x and y-coordinates in properties?


They are both on the right but one of them is supposed to be on the top corner, and the other on the bottom corner.

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Yes :frowning: still nothing is working.

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So the overlays are not active, and are activated when the player is teleported there?

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they are supposed to be activated when the player teleports but they don’t.

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Show the coding blocks for modifying the properties and the property devices themselves.

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The code looks fine to me, could it just be that you forgot to make the properties into number properties? I also see that you only gave a screenshot for 1 of the overlays, can we see the second one?

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I just checked they are both number properties, maybe its just a glitch or something.


Thanks for your help, i’m just gonna move on to the rest of my map and see if it works later. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


do you have them set to turn on at game start? and are they both on different sides of the screen?


You might also want to add “Convert Numbers To Text (With Commas)” block when you are attaching your numbers to the “create text with” block.


this was a bug I ran into when making my TSB map if you leave and rejoin the overlay should respawn and then just place them in again. unless that is not working for you


I will try these, thanks! I’ll tell you if it worked.

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Overlays still aren’t showing up :pensive:

To test if it’s the teleporter or the game overlay you could do a test with the overlays active on game start.