Look at this rate it seems like a bug with Gimkit itself. It’s been what, five or six days? Can I email them on your behalf?
Yes. That would be very good.
Okay, lemme cook. I’ll get back to you with their response and obviously if they take action then it’ll publish.
I hope it publishes. LilacBookworm doesn’t know yet, I don’t want to disappoint them.
The game won’t go into the recently published if you re-publish the game
Do you mean it’ll never show?
It should show if you copy the map from the creative menu and then publish using the copy
And how do you do that/
Try to reload or clear caches
Clear the history on the device he’s on that’s probably why. It’s probably stuff stacks up on what he’s search in the past few days.
I guess I can try. How much?
I only know that a whole cache deletes when something isn’t working but idk how to delete a certain amount, I think they only make u delete all.
My school device allows me to delete the past hour, the past week, and past months of cache information. I believe you should be able to choose, which cache to delete as well as just searching history.
Clearing cookies & other site data probably won’t help. It’s a Gimkit server issue, not client-side computer issue.
What did Gimkit say? Did any of the messages get replied to?
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