My Checkpoints are Not Working, Please help

checkpoints in platformer game is’nt working

in the official game or in gk?

in gimkit why do you ask?

did you turn them off?

because in the official gamemode you might have forgotten to enable them in setting

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it’s not my game so idk I was playing one that someone else made.

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oh, so gkc

Then the creator probably turned them off or something.

it can’t be that bc I was playing the same one the other day so it doesn’t make sense.

then it’s a connection problem on your side.

restarting computer
deleting cookies
logout then in
hard restart


they probably republished it and accidently deleted a wire or something.

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Checkpoint not working? In what way?
Could you clarify and supply additional information regarding the issue at hand?


what I mean is I don’t respawn at the checkpoints even though I cross them


so uh- when you say checkpoints, do you mean that like- the map you’re making…?

not like…a game you’re playing…?


its a map I’m playing…

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let me show you what I mean by not working
Screenshot 2024-11-07 7.41.14 PM

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Thanks for your explanation.
My assumption was that you activated another checkpoint (checkpoint B) after activated this checkpoint (checkpoint A) (and both checkpoints are only able to be activated once), in this way, you can’t activate this checkpoint (checkpoint A) again.

With that being said, this should not be considered as a bug.

In game effect with this system:

2024-11-07 9.15.49


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