Is there a way to have two or more lines of text in a game overlay at a time?
I don’t think so, sorry clicclac.
BUT… Modding exists!
Yes, not sure how, but if you type a bunch of text it will wrap to the next line. I saw it in Toxic’s battle bar.
However, you cannot have something like…
But maybe the html <br> will work?
Thanks anyway, I’ll just figure something else out.
OH WAIT! try using an invisible character and pasting it until it fills the line
Or colored text that is the same rgba as the background of the overlay. Invisible characters will stretch the overlay all the way across the screen, same for regular text, but I do think <br> might work. Does Blockly support breaking spaces? &bsp; isn’t a keyword I think- is a non breaking space though.
Nevermind thought this was a pop-up. Sadly, no. Gimkit doesn’t have newline abilities, but you can just have multiple game overlays in the same location to simulate new lines. Looks ugly though.
Can someone test the <br> thing? I have to go.
Having it wrap around wouldn’t look that good anyway.[1] Thanks for replying so fast and for the warm welcome!
I need to focus on plot instead of looks whole working on my game for the time being, it’ll help me get better as a game maker ↩︎
No, that doesn’t work.
One last thing here’s a (kind of) related topic, it’s a bit old though: How do you skip lines in block text
I’ve tried that, invisible characters doesn’t work, because the invisible characters somehow filled the textbox limit of the overlay and made the text distance shorter than usual. (I tried on both text and button overlay, but still didn’t work)
You might want to find an alternative way to make this system now.
If you wanted a work-around, press an overlay button, and it activates a camera point to see a list of stats.
Or whatever you might have.
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