Mode Madness 2024: SEMIFINALS

i think it’s going to be dld vs. owo

but ctf is starting to make a stand


i wondered why the other topic got quite i thought it was lag, no theres a new form

i pray on the downfall of the person that goes to my school


we can predict these are staying

one way out still stands a chance though unlike tag domination

i voted owo becuase i sorta don’t like ctf

i probablg wouldnt have vited ctf if it wasnt so nostalgic for me

i can’t believe this… one way out is the same thing over and over

capture the flag has unlimited possiblilities…

and yet capture the flag isn’t crushing owo??



pros of one way out

  1. decent for single player
  2. some people are crazy for combat
  3. has a story and side quest
  4. lasts a while

cons of one way out

  1. side quest is kinda frustrating
  2. teamwork isn’t really a thing
  3. needs more to do
  4. lasts a while

Personally, I think DLD is the most overrated game mode.
People only really like it because it’s platformer. What will they do when the next platformer gamemode comes out?


In my opinion the ONLY overrated game mode

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Good point.

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i think it’s a lot like dld. it’s the same map over and over, so it can get boring fast.

and since your playing against robots instead of humans, it’s pretty much the same game too.

but ctf is the opposite


Also, Snowbrawl is pretty underrated. There’s no lore you have to frustrate yourself with, and you can go completely crazy with your friends and class with it. PVP forever. But I’ve seen a lot of people rage quit when they get knocked out…

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my main problem with it is sometimes it’s hard to figure out what to do and hiding behind a prop doesn’t actually work

usually it works for me, but yeah good point

it needs more hiding places
I don’t know about others but every time I see a prop big enough to hide in I just shoot

Yay! I’m on Spring Break now!!! :partying_face: I’ll see y’all in 1.5 weeks. LOL :rofl: Feel free to ping me, but there’s a very small chance I’ll reply.

which game mode won last year

Yeah that’s true. The devs should update it.

I feel like the 2d modes just need updates but they left them alone after making them

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