[ 🤏 Mini-Guide] How to make a sheriff system [Difficulty 2/10]

might want to change ‘pinching_hand’ to the real thing!

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FYI: it says pinching hand and we don;t see the emoji because you need a space in between [ and :


except i cant see the emoji

No need to bump this.

Make sure there is a : at the beginning and end of pinching hand.

Nice Guide!
It’s always nice to see when new users post guides with blockcode.
I’ll be sure to link this and your other guide in my among us TUG!


air like (I get 1 like per 2 hrs) it’s rigged.

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I have given like 100 likes today.

Thank you! It’s an honor to be somewhere in one of the most famous guides

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@Haiasi Can you create a #chat tag?

Chatting is not allowed in the forums.

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Yes, haha…
Lots of people contributed to make it.


in my oppinion there is need

no for the in-game chat guides.

But there’s only like 2 or 3 guides on in game chat

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and none are simlified

Well, they’re about as simple as you can easily get them

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but i am trying to create the ultimate guide.

just use tug

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but I need one for 3 separate guides.