Minecraft Dungeons In Gimkit- LEVEL DESIGN ONLY

I’ve been trying to make this since September, anybody know how to do this?


(I’m specifically asking about level design. Game design is finished.)

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what is Minecraft dungeons, could you explain [1]

  1. never heard of it ↩︎

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It’s a dungeon crawler but it’s Minecraft.
Sorry, It’s kind of hard to explain.

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Ummm, what exactly do you need help with? Minecraft Dungeons has a lot of stuff… Do you need help with mobs or smth?

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Mechanics that I need help with:

  1. Enchantments

  2. Artifacts, swords, bows, etc. (all items EXCEPT Artifacts=gadgets)

What is an Artifact?

Artifacts give you special abilities, such as a laserbeam or a speed boost.

random loot system (I know there’s a guide on this)


well if you wait for moving sentries to come out you got the enemies

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tell me about the enchantments

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Shock waves, damage boost, chance to enrage enemies, poison clouds, enemies “exploding when defeated”, shields, artifact cooldown reduction. There’s at least 120 more…


… well here’s a tip look at the enchantments and think Gimkit and then tell me them and I can concoct something

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what things do you need help with?

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You could use different gadgets for the bows and swords.

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There are DEFINITELY not enough assets for this…


you could make a crafting table and once you craft something an insivible button comes out and then you can press it to do the enchantment

not sure if this is what you want but just thought i could imput my thoughts


Sword: Just a pickaxe (legendary) with a damage boost.
Bow: Prob a slingshot with less damage.
Do the things with game overlays that grant you the items.


Sorry, I just saw this. It wouldn’t work, Minecraft Dungeons doesn’t use crafting tables. It has a different enchantment system than regular minecraft.


Minecraft doesn’t enchant things with crafting tables- It’s called the Enchanting Table for a reason.

Enchant System:

Your inventory items would be stored in properties (I think) and then your items could be written into a dialogue device with action buttons.

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in that case, I’m not using Enchanting Tables.

(specifically, clicking buttons to enchant).

So something like holding the item would allow you to click a button that would connect to a bunch of popups allowing you to choose the enchantment you want?