Math help from blackhole

Oh yeah, I forgot about this. Will try to continue it sometime.


Is this still active or has it been abandoned?

It’s been abandoned. I don’t know how to teach any further well so I just gave up.


Oh ok, at least I learned something.

Did you teach identities yet?

1 Like

I just now learned trig identities in class lol (like 5 days ago)


We don’t bump help topics

Please don’t necropost or bump help topics

my bad g

this certainly is an unique help post

hows the teaching going?


OMG i just learnt to do this all in class the other day
i felt so smart knowing it b4 everyone else
thank you @Blackhole927

Honestly, after my exams are done I’m considering going back to this haha.

hopefully, i love this topic (as in this post, not the topic of trig)

I realized the OP is not active so we should wait for the OP of this topic to come back.

You should!
I learnt loads just by reading this topic
bit disturbing that you teach better than my actual maths teacher but Ill take it LOL

For extra help with radians.
It makes it a lot easier to understand.

If anyone wants a challenging math problem(s), I made a seris of related problems about exponential functions and stuff that can get pretty hard. Anyone who’s taken the Algebra 1 course can probably do problems 1 and 2, but for problem 3… yeah, that’s where things become moreso a joke and get pretty dumb. So, here it is:

Part 1:

In a soon-to-be cult of 10,000,000 people, one person starts out as a pi-worshipper. The pi worshipper begins making 1 other person a pi worshipper every 1.3 seconds, and those people begin making other different people pi worshippers every 1.3 seconds. How long does it take for everyone to start worshipping pi?

Part 2:

It turns out that the observer (a little bird that told me this) was actually wrong about the cult growth! The members that worship pi alternate in 1s and 2s, where pi worshippers with the number 1 send out worships every 0.65 seconds, and pi worshippers that are recruited by 1s are also 1s. The same applies for 2s, but they can each only recruit more worshippers every 1 second. All of them stop sending out recruit invites after 10,000,000 worshippers are there. How many more 1s will there be than 2s?

Initial Conditions: 1 pi labeled “1” and another worshipper labeled “2”. SHOW YOUR WORK!

Part 3:

Alright, the little bird just came back to me. She says that these are the real stats:

Group 1 (Tauist Worshippers): 1 initial worshipper that recruits worshippers every 0.37 seconds.
Group 2 (Pi Believers): 3 initial worshippers that recruit worshippers every 0.44 seconds.
Group 3 (e Supremacy): 10 initial wrshippers that recruit worshippers from groups 1 and 2 (alternating between them) every 0.66 seconds. Example: Takes 15% of Group 1 for themselves, then 15% of Group 2, then back to 15% of Group 1, and so on.
Group 4 (Pi Haters): 40 initial worshippers that start getting rid of pi worshippers every 0.6 seconds after there are over 100 pi worshippers that get rid of 17% worshippers every 2 seconds. Each tick alternates between the groups. Example: Gets rid of 17% of Group 1, then 17% of Group 2, then Group 3, and then back to Group 1, then so on.

How will all the groups compare once the number gets to 10,000,000, or if the number converges? How many people will they influence in this period of time (give a stat for each of them)? If you do not show your work, I will send someone to eat your face off.

So yeah, the final problem gets REALLY dumb. You can get a solution using GKC or desmos, so good luck. This is training with exponential functions, and have fun! I’d say that problem 1 is super easy, problem 2 is relatively harder but still pretty easy, and problem 3 is… pretty difficult.

Oh and here’s a desmos with the solutions to the first two problems (the third one is currently being worked on by some people): It will be updated:

Edit: The person working on it said it was too messy. I agree. Also, all functions are continuous.


What Shdwy said was, sin is bad so its opposite over hypotenuse cos = cooperation. Cooperation is good adjacent over hypotenuse and finally tan is just tan. Opposite over adjacent.