Mario thumbnail Poll on post 94

I will make one soon

bowser has a clown car too lmao

oh I dont play mario so idk ¯_(ツ)_/¯ lol

I’m baaaaaaaaaaack!!!

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When is the poooooooolllllllllllllllllll?

If everyone is okay with it I will make it right now!


I’m fine with being left behind! So I’m cool with you making a poll @Astro-123 (please just don’t add my unfinished thumbnail :ok_hand:)

Well ACTUALLY, I finished the thumbnail! It’s not my best work but it was actually really fun to make. I hope you think it’s AT LEAST somewhat decent @Astro-123 :heart:


Its better than anything l could make


Thanks man :slight_smile: , this is only my second ever thumbnail so that’s my excuse and i’m sticking to it

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It is now, Poll Time!

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@Spydecraft245 , would you do the honors of making the poll?

Which thumbnail should astro use?
  • Spydecraft’s
  • Godatbedwars’s
  • Rainbow’s
  • Shadow dragon’s
0 voters
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This is all the thumbnails we have (Hopefully this works)


Shadow Dragon




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Btw what about @Ben_to_the_10th he is still making one

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How am I in second place lol. @Spydecraft245 is way better. Also, are we allowed to vote ourselves (I think I see someone who did)

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If you really want to you can

Well I’m not that type of person so Ill just leave my vote as @Spydecraft245, I just don’t think self voting should be allowed. But then again, it’s not my poll so :person_shrugging:

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So far @Spydecraft245 is winning!