Making Weight Impact Your Speed [0.1/1]

Basically, this goes over how “carrying” an object slows you down, and when you put it down, you move at normal speed again.
So there’s this box you have to pick up and move to a different area


Button and the Box

Button pressed ---> Hide prop

Then the Box and the button

Prop made hidden ---> Deactivate button

Also, make the button invisible
Good! now simply just put down a speed modifier and wire either the prop or the button to the box.

Button pressed ---> Set player to configured speed


Prop made hidden ---> Set player to configured speed

I recommend putting 0.75 speed for the speed modifier.
Now after you “pick up” the box, you move slower.


Simply copy and paste the 3 devices from the past step but make these changes:

  • Have the Box prop be invisible on Game Start
  • Make the button inactive on Game Start
  • Set the speed modifier outcome to the default speed

Ok, now wiring!
first off, have the inactive button activate from either the box or the button from the above part (Picking up the box)

Now, the wire the button to the box

Button pressed ---> Show prop

Then the box to the button

Prop made visible ---> Deactivate button

Nice! Now either the button or the box to the speed modifier:

Button pressed ---> Set player to configured speed


Prop made visible ---> Set player to configured speed

Now when you put down the box, you start moving at normal speed again.

So I guess your done?

  • 0
  • 0.1
  • 0.2
  • 0.3
  • 0.4
  • 0.5
  • 0.6
  • 0.7
  • 0.8
  • 0.9
  • 1
  • 1.1
0 voters

I doubt this is original…


Uhm can I put a showcase link in the guide like how CringeKarlScott did in one of his?
Probably not.

I declare this Guide as the first Guide to use decimals as a difficulty scale

I honestly expected more activity,
eh, just DEAL with it.

This is a good guide! Do you know if it would be possible to make it where it makes you slower the more items you have in your inventory?

1 Like

Well, yes
It is possible
But me
to lazy to tell ya

Wow! This is a nice guide!

Off topic

Guys please say something about this guide
I did not just write this for 5 minutes for nothing

I worked it out and I’m making a guide on it :slight_smile:

Lift heavy boxes.