Can Anyone Translate This to Gimkit noob?
- 1 Lifecycle
- 1 Relay
- 1 Team Switcher
- 1 Player Coords. Device
- 1 Trigger
- 1 Respawner
- 1 Wire Repeater
- 2 Buttons
- 2 Spawn Pads
- 3 Notifications
Step 1
Grab a lifecycle for “Game Start,” a relay on behalf of “random player,” and a team switcher that switches to Team 2.
Wire the lifecycle to the relay:
Event Occurs → Trigger Relay
Then wire the relay to the team switcher:
Relay Trigger → Switch to configured team
Step 2
Grab a coordinate device, a trigger, and a respawner.
All are default settings, except for the trigger. Make sure you can’t trigger by player collision.
Wire the Coordinate device to the trigger
Player Moves → Trigger
Wire the trigger to the respawner
Triggered → Respawn Player
Step 3
Grab 2 Buttons.
Wire the red light button to the wire repeater and a notification.
Button Pressed → Send Notification | Button Pressed → Repeat the wire pulse
The wire repeater has a delay of 0.25. The notification has a message of “Yellow Light.”
The wire repeater activates the trigger in step 2, and sends another notification, with a message of “Red Light.”
When the wire receives a pulse → Send notification | When the wire receives a pulse → Activate Trigger.
Grab the Green Light button, and wire it to another notification, and deactivate the trigger.
Button Pressed → Send Notification
Button Pressed → Deactivate trigger
Step 4
Make the buttons in an enclosed space where no one can enter. Make a spawn pad for team 2 in that area.
Make another enclosed area with spawn pads for only team 1.
Make sure all notifications send to everyone
You are done!
Why does this work?
So, in the beginning of the game, there is a relay that runs on a random player, which changes him to team 2.
When a player moves, it triggers a trigger, which respawns the player, but when it is on green light, the trigger is turned off, so the pulse is blocked.
By pressing the green light button, it deactivates the trigger, which means everyone is free to move, alongside a notification telling everyone that it is ok to move.
By pressing the red light button, you run a wire pulse, delayed by 0.25, and a notification is sent, warning them that a red light is about to be issued. (Yellow Light) Once the wire pulse sends, it activates the trigger and tells everyone to stop moving.